I work very hard to provide the best possible experience for you and your family! To ensure you are familiar with all policies, please review the following before your session! Thank you!
Throughout the year, but especially during cold, flu, and RSV season, Sarah Liz Photography is committed to maintaining the studio as a healthy environment for adults, children, and babies!
Newborn babies frequent the Sarah Liz Photography studio. Newborns have not received vaccinations against most childhood diseases and are susceptible if exposed. To keep everyone at Sarah Liz Photography safe, Sarah asks that you reschedule for any of the following symptoms:
Remember, healthy and happy children translate to joy-filled images. Give yourself the best shot at beautiful images by bringing a healthy family! Sarah Liz Photography is happy to reschedule due to illness at no additional charge. Thank you for helping to keep the studio, Sarah, and other clients healthy!
Sarah Liz Photography retains all copyrights to all images created during a client’s session. Sarah retains copyright of the photographs, and hereby grants the client unlimited but non-exclusive rights to use or reproduce the photographs for which the client pays. The print release included with your digital files is for personal use only, does not allow publication (i.e. entering in contests), selling or altering your images without the photographer’s written permission. It is illegal to copy, scan, screenshot, download, print, share, alter, or otherwise steal any image created by Sarah Liz Photography during a client's photo session. This applies to “sneak peek” images, images posted in an online proofing gallery, blog, Facebook, Instagram, or hard copy images. If client steals images via any method listed above, or any other method, the client will be invoiced for the cost of EACH digital images that the client has stolen, at the photographer’s current price per digital image.
I understand that family photos are fun and enjoyable, and it may be tempting to bring additional family members to witness the session! However, due to limited studio space I ask that you please refrain from bringing anybody who will not be actively participating in our session! We are also striving to keep the studio clean, sanitized, and free of any dangerous pathogens! Additional family members and friends increase the risk of exposure to these types of illnesses. We kindly ask that you keep your photo experience as intimate as possible, and then share with the world when you have downloaded your final images!
During outdoor sessions, additional family members will be permitted to observe the session in a manner that does not distract from or interfere with the session. Sarah or any associated photographer retains the right to ask non-participants to discontinue any behaviors that may be distracting or interfere with the session, including but not limited to: taking photos with phones, cameras, or any other recording devices, arguing, commenting or critiquing, and/or using demeaning language or profanity. Failure to discontinue may result in the party being asked to leave and/or premature termination of the session.